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Researching Your Own Family Tree - How To Get Started
by Ellen Mayo

Researching your own family tree can be a richly rewarding experience. It doesn't matter if you find royalty or scallywags in your tree, they are all exciting. So.... how do you get started? Click Here for more info.......

Hunting For Relatives – A Dummies Guide To Basic Genealogy
by Robert Toy

Okay so you have decided to look up your family history. You talked to old Uncle Fred and Great Grandma Alice, collected a bunch of old photos and bits and pieces of papers and lots and lots of old stories. 

If you are like the vast majority of us, your family came to the United States from another country and in some cases (like mine) via a second country. Unless you have physical positive proof such as copies of immigration papers, ships logs, U.S. Court Papers, etc. you will have to start digging into various Government archives in order to locate your relatives entry port and dates.  Click Here for more info.....


Planning to visit your family, get travel insurance from AIG 
Get breakdown cover from Tesco Personal Finance

Is There a DNA Project on Your Surname?

Is There a DNA Project on Your Surname?



Site Owner: Ellen Mayo
URL: http://www.ourfamilyancestors.com
E-mail: emayo@ourfamilyancestors.com
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