
Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Notes for Abraham Beardsley

The Janes Family
Author: Frederic Janes
This book contains the history and genalogy of the Janes family of Massachusetts.
Bibliographic Information: Janes, Frederic. The Janes Family. John H. Dingman. New York. 1868.

Abraham, who married Esther Janes, was great-grandson of William Beardsley, the emigrant, and Esther was the granddaughter of William Janes, the emigrant. Abraham and Esther were married 17 April, 1723, by Rev. George Pigot, a missionary of the (London) society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts.

Their's was the first recorded marriage in the missionary's register. Their children were baptized by Dr. Johnson, afterward president of Columbia College; the first baptisms recorded in the missionary's register, and these dates will approximate near the date of birth, not far from eight or ten weeks after.


94 I. ABRAHAM, 6 November, 1725.
95 II. MARTHA, 28 April, 1728.
96 III. ABIGAIL, 3 May, 1730.
97 IV. WILLIAM, 9 April, 1732.
98 V. ISAAC, 4 March, 1734.
99 VI. JOHN, 18 January, 1736.
100 VII. SARAH, 1 January, 1738.
101 VIII. MICHAEL, 14 September, 1740.

Abraham junior, married Bethia Curtis, and had the following children, baptized as follows: Curtis, 1754; Ephraim, 21 September, 1755; Betsy, 2 January, 1757; Mary, 14 May, 1758; John, 20 April, 1760; Abijah, 22 January, 1766, by Rev. Mr. Winslow; Sarah, 6 September, 1767; Abel, 28 July, 1770; Jerusha, 1772; baptized by Dr. Johnson.


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