John moved to Wilkes Cony, North Carolina from Goochland County, Virginia in 1772. He was a minister of the Old Roaring River Baptist Church. Pastor, Cub Creek Church, Wilkes, NC from 1796-1811 and lived on the Yadkin River near Wildesboro, North Carolina. John's will was probated in May 1814.
Source: Ashe County, NC Heritage Book, Profitt Families in Ashe County, NC descended from John Proffitt, Federal census of Ashe & Wilkes County and court house records of Ashe & Wilkes Co., NC.[winch2.FTW]
John moved to Wilkes Cony, North Carolina from Goochland County, Virginia in 1772. He was a minister of the Old Roaring River Baptist Church. Pastor, Cub Creek Church, Wilkes, NC from 1796-1811 and lived on the Yadkin River near Wildesboro, North Carolina. John's will was probated in May 1814.
Source: Ashe County, NC Heritage Book, Profitt Families in Ashe County, NC descended from John Proffitt, Federal census of Ashe & Wilkes County and court house records of Ashe & Wilkes Co., NC.