
Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Notes for Margarett F. Proffit


Joseph Proffit disowned his daughter, Margarett for marrying Robert Bleazard. He felt that she had married "beneath her station in life" and that Robert was too old for her. Robert's father & mother, Robert & Melinda Adkins Bleazard, emigrated from England as Mormons and joined Brigham Young's party that was going in search of a place to practice their religion without harassment. They eventually settled in Salt Lake City, Utah but Robert ran away from home prior to the trip to Utah and settled in Kansas where he married Margarett. He had previously been married to Margarett's older sister Anne. After Robert & Margarett and their son John's deaths from smallpox, Robert's mother Melinda raised the other children.
source: Marilyn Withrow


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