
Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Family Tree Names

Van Buskirk, Living
Van Cleave, Orel (25 APR 1875-)
Van Cleave, Ruth (25 SEP 1899-)
Van Norman, III, Charles Clifford
Van Valkenburgh, Bartholomew Jacob (1753-1831)
Van Valkenburgh, Bethia (1793-1883)
VanWagoner, Ella (ABT 1846-1894)
Vance, James Lloyd (9 MAR 1881-1969)
Vance, Lenora (ABT 1920-)
Vance, Living
Vance, Lloyd Schauner
Vance, Rebecca
Vance, Schauner Percival (22 DEC 1918-11 NOV 1996)
Vance, Sylvia Margaret (30 AUG 1913-JAN 2003)
Vandera, (ABT 1876-)
Vann, Lenora (ABT 1880-)
Vannoy, Betty Cordelia (ABT 1880-)
Vans, Robert Gilbert (ABT 1885-)
Vaughan, Mary Elizabeth (ABT 1850-)
Vaughn, Charity Ann Stephens (ABT 1840-)
Vaughn, Living
Vaughn, Unknown
Venn, Virginia Belle (19 FEB 1913-21 SEP 1980)
Vernon, Clauda E. (ABT 1880-)
Vernon, Etoile (6 JUN 1906-)
Vernon, James Arimus (ABT 1860-)
Vernon, Robbie Mae (16 FEB 1910-20 NOV 2005)
Verry, Lawrence Ian (22 MAY 1909-12 SEP 1971)
Vestal, John Henry (ABT 1855-)
Viau, Yvon
Vice, Carl (ABT 1925-Private)
Viner, ?? (ABT 1880-)
Viner, Henry (ABT 1910-)
Viner, Jim (ABT 1912-)
Vinson, Clarence Lewis
Vinson, Frank (ABT 1917-)
Vinson, George L. (ABT 1890-)
Vinson, Jerry (ABT 1914-)
Vinson, Lewis (ABT 1911-)
Virginia, Emma (1857-1927)
Vivian, Diana (ABT 1680-)
Voelki, Carl
WIlliamson, Living
Wade, Charles (ABT 1784-)
Wade, Mabel Beatrice (3 FEB 1890-12 MAY 1939)
Wade, Mary Elizabeth (24 SEP 1871-15 DEC 1961)
Wade, Sarah (ABT 1782-)
Wade, Simon (ABT 1755-)
Waggoner, Andrew Bell (14 JUN 1891-)
Wagner, George (ABT 1830-)
Waits, Jr., Edward Jones
Waits, Leila Lisle
Waits, Mary Catharine
Wakefield, Edmund F. (ABT 1875-20 MAY 1946)
Wakelee, Jonathan (ABT 1675-)
Wakeley, Dennis (ABT 1780-)
Wakeley, Lodema (ABT 1800-1850)
Wakelyn, Abigail (1665-1753)
Wakelyn, Henry (ABT 1640-)
Walden, J. C. (ABT 1913-)
Walker, Clavin (ABT 1840-)
Walker, John (ABT 1870-)
Walker, Living
Walker, Martha Ellen (12 MAR 1859-26 DEC 1950)
Walker, Mary S. (ABT 1835-)
Walker, Myrtle May (1 JUN 1896-5 MAY 1931)
Walker, Pauline Napoleon (10 JUN 1829-3 FEB 1915)
Walker, S. A. (ABT 1810-)
Wallace, H. (ABT 1800-)
Wallace, Hugh (ABT 1787-)
Wallace, Jerry
Wallace, Living (ABT 1895-)
Wallace, Pamela Ann
Wallen, Eliza (10 AUG 1816-19 MAR 1847)
Waller, Dorothy (ABT 1755-)
Walley, Douglas
Walley, II, Samuel Richard
Walser, Lemuel Loretta (17 NOV 1904-5 JUL 1971)
Walser, Mary Virginia (27 JUN 1880-3 DEC 1918)
Walsh, Alfred (ABT 1830-1 JUL 1862)
Walsh, Amanda (ABT 1836-)
Walsh, Andrew (ABT 1827-)
Walsh, Calvin Leander (17 OCT 1866-18 JUN 1935)
Walsh, Elizabeth (ABT 1828-)
Walsh, Elizabeth (1838-)
Walsh, Fanny (1832-)
Walsh, Harry (1825-)
Walsh, James McAlphin (5 MAY 1850-)
Walsh, Jesse Alonzo (8 OCT 1894-)
Walsh, John Fieldon (17 MAY 1892-)
Walsh, Larkin (1830-)
Walsh, Lattie Bowers (8 NOV 1892-8 APR 1967)
Walsh, Living
Walsh, Living
Walsh, Living
Walsh, Living
Walsh, Lizzie Launa (11 JAN 1895-27 FEB 1969)
Walsh, Margaret Ann (16 NOV 1838-)
Walsh, Martha (1840-)
Walsh, Martha Matilda (1846-1915)
Walsh, Mary (1835-)
Walsh, Mary (ABT 1824-)
Walsh, Mary Ann "Polly" (7 SEP 1805-9 JUL 1884)
Walsh, Mary Lou (21 DEC 1885-17 SEP 1974)
Walsh, Mary Mantisia (ABT 1865-)
Walsh, Matilda (1834-)
Walsh, McAlphin (1801-AFT 1880)
Walsh, Nancy (1834-)
Walsh, Nancy (ABT 1825-)
Walsh, Phillip (ABT 1838-)
Walsh, Polly (1829-)
Walsh, Rebecca (25 OCT 1843-19 DEC 1903)
Walsh, Rebecca Leora (23 NOV 1897-19 JAN 1978)
Walsh, Rhoda (1853-)
Walsh, Robert Clarence "Dock" (2 DEC 1896-)
Walsh, Samuel (1794-1887)
Walsh, Samuel (ABT 1828-)
Walsh, Sara Alma (14 MAR 1900-1 SEP 1972)
Walsh, Seth Thomas (4 AUG 1890-2 APR 1969)
Walsh, Theodore R. (ABT 1891-)
Walsh, Thomas (1842-)
Walsh, Thomas (1798-AFT 1880)
Walsh, Thomas F. (ABT 1835-)
Walsh, Thomas Franklin (24 APR 1864-17 OCT 1946)
Walsh, Turner Calvin (1827-)
Walsh, William (1837-)
Walsh, William Edward (ABT 1890-)
Walsh, William Leander (26 MAY 1839-)
Walsh, William Simpson (17 JUL 1902-18 JAN 1968)
Walter, Sarah (ABT 1753-)
Walters, Mary (ABT 1815-)
Walton, James A. (20 JAN 1839-13 DEC 1919)
Walton, Jessie (JUN 1874-)
Walton, Johnnie (FEB 1878-)
Walton, L. L. (ABT 1868-)
Walton, Susie Idella Lee (20 AUG 1865-16 FEB 1934)
Walton, Willie (18 APR 1885-9 OCT 1967)
Wampler, Alice D. (6 SEP 1863-21 OCT 1957)
Wampler, Living (ABT 1900-)
Wampler, Samantha Louvina (10 MAR 1861-27 JAN 1941)
Ward, Charles J. (ABT 1860-)
Ward, Elizabeth (1868-)
Ward, Grant (ABT 1895-)
Ward, Hattie (ABT 1803-1866)
Ward, Living
Ward, Living
Ward, M. Wincey (ABT 1830-)
Ward, Mary (ABT 1735-ABT 1826)
Ward, Mary Rose "Rosa" (MAR 1874-)
Ward, Sarah (ABT 1755-)
Ward, Tapley (ABT 1870-)
Ward, William H. (ABT 1820-)
Wardlow, Minnie Bell (13 FEB 1885-15 OCT 1977)
Ware, Martha Jane (ABT 1855-)
Warkentine, Patsy Darline
Warren, Dale (ABT 1875-)
Warren, Hester (ABT 1750-)
Warren, Verenell (26 OCT 1917-)
Warren, Virlinda (ABT 1825-)
Warriner, Jefferson Melvin (ABT 1600-)
Warris, Unknown (ABT 1885-)
Wasemiller, Harold (ABT 1900-)
Wasson, Abner (ABT 1790-JAN 1821)
Wasson, Elizabeth A. (8 APR 1821-)
Wasson, George T. (19 SEP 1819-)
Wasson, Lockey (4 APR 1816-20 SEP 1890)
Waters, Lela Hazel (2 JUN 1911-27 DEC 1996)
Waters, Luby
Waters, Rebecca "Creed" (ABT 1880-)
Watkins, II, Irvin W.
Watson, Addy Callie (26 AUG 1868-13 NOV 1900)
Watson, Ashley (9 MAR 1884-)
Watson, Ashley L. (MAY 1898-19 MAY 1970)
Watson, Edna (ABT 1867-)
Watson, Edward M. (1840-1906)
Watson, Emma Adelaide (30 JAN 1840-)
Watson, Harrison W. (JUN 1894-4 JUN 1954)
Watson, Jackson (JUN 1888-)
Watson, Living (ABT 1900-)
Watson, Mary Etta (JUL 1890-20 NOV 1971)
Watson, Mr. (ABT 1880-)
Watson, Susan
Watson, Thomas (ABT 1815-)
Watson, William M. (MAR 1851-6 MAR 1928)
Watts, Living (ABT 1900-)
Watts, Lucy M. (ABT 1820-)
Waychoff, Enos (15 OCT 1881-)
Waychoff, Georgia Opal (22 OCT 1907-)
Waymire, John (ABT 1851-)
Weaver, Anna Myrtle (12 APR 1880-19 JUN 1954)
Weaver, Living
Weaver, Maud L. (16 JUN 1876-12 FEB 1961)
Weaver, Minerva Caroline (12 JAN 1892-4 OCT 1965)
Webb, Barbara Modena (ABT 1916-)
Webb, Berry B. (ABT 1876-)
Webb, Clennie (15 SEP 1902-8 MAR 1906)
Webb, Cleo (10 MAY 1915-16 NOV 1944)
Webb, Edgar (DEC 1893-)
Webb, Emma Josephine "Josie" (9 OCT 1871-24 AUG 1950)
Webb, Henry (ABT 1880-)
Webb, James Meek (5 APR 1879-9 JUL 1947)
Webb, John H. (16 APR 1857-)
Webb, Julia Caroline (12 FEB 1892-3 NOV 1950)
Webb, Lillian Gray (12 JUL 1894-)
Webb, Living (ABT 1901-)
Webb, Living
Webb, Living
Webb, Living
Webb, Living
Webb, Mattie G. (AUG 1890-)
Webb, Ollie E. (10 SEP 1882-3 OCT 1909)
Webb, Phoebe\Mary (1769-)
Webb, Rena Viola (7 JAN 1888-27 JUN 1968)
Webb, Roy (27 SEP 1905-17 FEB 1906)
Webb, Sarah B. (17 SEP 1799-20 APR 1879)
Webb, Sarah B. (17 SEP 1799-)
Webb, Sarah B. (17 SEP 1799-20 APR 1879)
Webb, Susannah (ABT 1802-)
Webb, Susannah (1795-BEF 1849)
Webb, Sydney Jean (1863-1947)
Webber, Clarence (29 JAN 1898-)
Webber, Mr. (ABT 1865-)
Weber, Florence Luella (ABT 1893-)
Weber, Living
Weddle, Dewey Samuel (7 MAY 1899-AUG 1977)
Weddle, Robert Mack (29 APR 1918-)
Weddle, Wilda May (7 JAN 1920-)
Weed, Abel (ABT 1770-)
Weeks, Clotilda (20 MAY 1732-14 FEB 1808)
Welch, George Elmer (27 OCT 1887-29 AUG 1956)
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Living
Welch, Margaret (ABT 1765-)
Welk, Rosina Emilie (11 FEB 1882-JUL 1961)
Welles, Samuel (ABT 1675-)
Wells, Abigail (ABT 1675-)
Wells, Daniel (11 DEC 1669-)
Wells, Ebenezer (20 JUL 1669-)
Wells, Ephraim (ABT 1671-)
Wells, Hannah (4 JUL 1668-)
Wells, John (3 APR 1660-20 JAN 1679/80)
Wells, John (14 JAN 1656/57-ABT 1660)
Wells, Jonathan (ABT 1658-)
Wells, Joshua (18 FEB 1673/74-)
Wells, Mary (1 OCT 1653-ABT 1657)
Wells, Mary (8 SEP 1664-)
Wells, Noah (26 JUL 1666-)
Wells, Samuel (10 JUN 1662-)
Wells, Sarah (ABT 1750-)
Wells, Sarah (5 MAY 1655-)
Wells, Jr., Thomas (10 JAN 1651/52-)
Wells, Thomas (1620-30 SEP 1676)
Welstead, Living (ABT 1905-)
Welton, Abigail (ABT 1705-22 NOV 1790)
Wenen, Sarah (ABT 1845-)
West, Cornelia (ABT 1845-)
West, Living (ABT 1885-)
West, Mr. (ABT 1880-)
West, Nancy (ABT 1815-1865)
West, Sally (1827-)
West, Vestal (ABT 1870-)
West, William (ABT 1895-)
Western, Mr. (ABT 1885-)
Wetmore, Elizabeth (ABT 1820-)
Whaley, Aaron E. (ABT 1890-)
Whaley, Alice (8 MAY 1878-28 AUG 1962)
Whaley, Laurinda (2 JUL 1884-)
Whaley, Living
Whaley, Living (ABT 1902-)
Whaley, Living
Whaley, Living (ABT 1907-)
Whaley, Margaret Lucretia (18 JUL 1883-5 FEB 1972)
Whaley, Martha (25 SEP 1843-27 DEC 1912)
Whaley, Mary Jane "Polly" (1851-)
Whaley, Middleton (ABT 1835-)
Whaley, Ollie (25 SEP 1880-22 FEB 1979)
Whaley, Palistine (10 JAN 1873-7 SEP 1925)
Whaley, William Alonzo (JAN 1892-)
Whaley, William Walter (1876-)
Wheatlie, John (ABT 1600-)
Wheeler, Andrew (ABT 1720-)
Wheeler, Catherine (ABT 1743-)
Wheeler, Child (1950-)
Wheeler, Edgel (1893-1976)
Wheeler, Gary Lynn
Wheeler, Gerron (1918-)
Wheeler, Henry (ABT 1885-)
Wheeler, Sr., John (ABT 1660-)
Wheeler, Keziah (ABT 1705-)
Wheeler, Mary (ABT 1690-)
Wheeler, Mary (WFT Est 1663-1687-7 JAN 1710/11)
Wheeler, Mary (ABT 1770-)
Wheeler, Mary V.
Wheeler, Mehitabel (SEP 1777-JAN 1864)
Wheeler, Nathan (1747-1817)
Wheeler, Obadiah (ABT 1630-)
Wheeler, Patsy Gallagher
Wheeler, Rebecca Ann (ABT 1760-)
Wheeler, Ruth (ABT 1660-)
Wheeler, Sarah (ABT 1735-)
Wheeler, Tony (1916-)
Wheeler, Tony Lige
Wheeler, Velma Inez (ABT 1910-)
Whisman, Amanda Lavina (ABT 1850-)
Whisman, James (ABT 1850-)
Whisman, Mary (ABT 1845-)
Whitacre, Hannah (21 SEP 1739-8 NOV 1765)
Whitacre, John (ABT 1720-)
Whitaker, Martha Baker (ABT 1840-)
Whitaker, Unknown (ABT 1845-)
White, Arthur (ABT 1878-)
White, Benjamin (ABT 1790-)
White, Beulah (ABT 1879-)
White, Bob (ABT 1881-)
White, Claude (ABT 1883-)
White, Desserie (ABT 1885-)
White, Dora Elizabeth (3 JUN 1891-23 NOV 1988)
White, Edward (ABT 1872-)
White, Elliott (ABT 1884-)
White, Ethel Mae (ABT 1885-)
White, Fred (ABT 1882-)
White, Henry Rufus (30 JAN 1889-7 MAR 1990)
White, Jane (ABT 1780-)
White, Jennie (ABT 1875-)
White, Jettie (5 DEC 1900-)
White, Kenneth\George (ABT 1870-)
White, Lauree (ABT 1911-)
White, Living (ABT 1905-)
White, Mary Sybil (14 DEC 1913-)
White, Mel
White, Mertle (ABT 1890-)
White, Minnie (ABT 1880-)
White, Moses Plesents Cyrus (8 APR 1833-6 JUN 1895)
White, Nancy Elizabeth (ABT 1870-)
White, Nancy Louisa (12 DEC 1795-23 NOV 1840)
White, Nehemiah (ABT 1750-)
White, Newton (ABT 1874-)
White, Phaonia Ann (ABT 1895-)
White, Rosie Lee (17 OCT 1877-1964)
White, Sarah A. (12 JAN 1829-27 JUL 1863)
White, Unknown (ABT 1900-)
Whitehead, Belle (ABT 1887-)
Whitehead, Robert Eugene (ABT 1925-AUG 1997)
Whiteside, Unknown (ABT 1910-)
Whitfield, Patience (ABT 1720-ABT 1759)
Whitlock, Living
Whitman, Maggie (ABT 1872-)
Whitmore, John (ABT 1660-)
Whitmore, Mary (ABT 1690-)
Whitmore, Unknown (ABT 1755-)
Whitney, Daniel (ABT 1720-)
Whittaker, Sarah Louise (AUG 1876-)
Whitted, James Henry (15 MAR 1887-30 MAY 1960)
Widdifield, Leo (21 JUN 1911-AUG 1982)
Widdifield, Myrna Dee (29 MAY 1935-)
Widdifield, Willa Lee (11 DEC 1931-)
Wiggins, Asa (ABT 1835-)
Wilcher, James (ABT 1765-)
Wilcox, Lillian (ABT 1865-)
Wilcoxson, Elnathan (1749-1840)
Wilcoxson, Nancy (ABT 1805-)
Wilcoxson, Patience (ABT 1670-)
Wilcoxson, Philo (ABT 1770-)
Wilder, Winnifred (ABT 1792-ABT 1828)
Wiley, Cora Ina (20 JAN 1898-FEB 1987)
Wiley, Living
Wilkerson, Living (ABT 1900-)
Wilkerson, Samantha Cecelia "Bug" (3 MAR 1845-1920)
Wilkins, Maxine Elsie (ABT 1910-)
Wilkinson, Frances Morgan (ABT 1826-)
Willams, Living
Williams, Alice Verenia (ABT 1890-)
Williams, Arnold Estle
Williams, Beatrice (ABT 1914-)
Williams, Bertha Gertrude (7 DEC 1887-)
Williams, Betsy Jane (1896-1989)
Williams, Billy Thermond (ABT 1919-)
Williams, Bobbie Louise (ABT 1921-)
Williams, Bonnie
Williams, Bruce (ABT 1890-)
Williams, Bubba
Williams, Claris Laymon (ABT 1895-)
Williams, Cynthia Dianna
Williams, Daniel H. (4 JAN 1900-19 DEC 1980)
Williams, Delilah (10 FEB 1882-16 DEC 1968)
Williams, Dortha (16 MAY 1908-1 JUN 1908)
Williams, E. L. (ABT 1880-)
Williams, Edith Pansy (19 MAY 1887-17 MAY 1967)
Williams, Edrith Clen (ABT 1916-)
Williams, Elizabeth Clarise (5 SEP 1859-14 SEP 1896)
Williams, Elmer Glenn (ABT 1906-)
Williams, Erie (ABT 1915-)
Williams, Florence E. (20 DEC 1909-11 OCT 1980)
Williams, Frank (ABT 1880-)
Williams, Gladys Emmy (1910-3 DEC 1973)
Williams, Hale Wilson
Williams, Henry (ABT 1885-)
Williams, Henry Cole (ABT 1908-)
Williams, Ida (ABT 1913-)
Williams, Ira Malcom (22 MAR 1830-12 JAN 1906)
Williams, James (ABT 1854-)
Williams, James M. (FEB 1896-)
Williams, Jean (ABT 1922-)
Williams, Jimmie Mae (ABT 1913-)
Williams, John Henry (ABT 1914-)
Williams, Kate (ABT 1912-)
Williams, Katherine (ABT 1915-)
Williams, Laura B. (23 DEC 1890-18 MAY 1968)
Williams, Lewis (ABT 1906-)
Williams, Lewis Elijah (ABT 1907-)
Williams, Lillie (ABT 1910-)
Williams, Lioney (ABT 1881-)
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Living
Williams, Lucinda Jane (1842-)
Williams, Marie (ABT 1909-)
Williams, Marie (ABT 1912-)
Williams, Martha Alice (APR 1880-)
Williams, Mary Elizabeth (28 FEB 1861-1926)
Williams, Mary Harriet (ABT 1850-)
Williams, Mary Jane (ABT 1870-)
Williams, Mary Pesie (SEP 1882-1947)
Williams, Mary Ruth (21 JUL 1849-7 JUL 1923)
Williams, Mary Syble (ABT 1920-)
Williams, Michael Ray
Williams, Millie Catherine (26 OCT 1878-8 FEB 1911)
Williams, Minnie Belle (26 JUN 1885-22 SEP 1950)
Williams, Myrtle Dean (31 JUL 1909-27 NOV 1910)
Williams, N. H. (ABT 1905-)
Williams, Nadine (ABT 1917-)
Williams, Nancy Snyder (12 FEB 1865-)
Williams, Nathan C. (ABT 1886-)
Williams, Nathan Hale (2 NOV 1906-12 JUN 1991)
Williams, Nathan Henry (19 OCT 1852-5 AUG 1925)
Williams, Odean (ABT 1917-)
Williams, Oris (ABT 1916-)
Williams, Orra (1828-)
Williams, Queeny (ABT 1890-)
Williams, Ralph G. (ABT 1880-)
Williams, Ruby (ABT 1909-)
Williams, Ruby Louise (25 JUN 1914-10 OCT 1993)
Williams, Sarah A (ABT 1876-)
Williams, Sarah Pathiany "Thenia" (7 DEC 1877-8 APR 1919)
Williams, Terry Wayne
Williams, Thomas A. (ABT 1810-)
Williams, Thompson (ABT 1829-)
Williams, Unknown (ABT 1940-Private)
Williams, Wiley Thomas (ABT 1875-)
Williams, William Walker (22 JAN 1881-5 SEP 1974)
Williams, Willie Estle (5 MAY 1890-6 AUG 1955)
Williams, Willie Iola (ABT 1912-)
Williamson, Barbara
Williamson, Elizabeth (6 APR 1724-)
Williamson, Ethel (14 NOV 1894-2 MAR 1959)
Williamson, Frances (21 FEB 1717/18-)
Williamson, Living
Williamson, Living
Williamson, Louvicie (10 MAR 1889-19 JUN 1930)
Williamson, Martha (ABT 1715-27 AUG 1794)
Williamson, Minor (7 OCT 1720-27 SEP 1721)
Williamson, Robert (31 JUL 1722-)
Williamson, Robert (ABT 1695-)
Willingham, Perry (ABT 1880-)
Willingham, R. C. (1916-1950)
Willis, Agnes Marie
Willis, Cecil Lorene (ABT 1904-)
Willis, Charles Nathaniel (17 MAY 1873-23 JUL 1958)
Willis, Charles Orvill (ABT 1906-)
Willis, Docia E. (2 MAY 1868-)
Willis, Edna Fay (ABT 1965-Private)
Willis, John
Willis, Leonard Lonnie (3 OCT 1911-23 AUG 1975)
Willis, Living
Willis, Living
Willis, Living
Willis, Roy (1902-1902)
Willis, William Edward (15 NOV 1884-15 OCT 1955)
Willson, Chester Jackson
Willson, Chester Thomas (9 FEB 1923-)
Willson, Christopher Leon
Willson, Diane Lucile
Willson, Don Ray
Willson, Donna May
Willson, James Anthony
Willson, Larry Thomas
Willson, Mary Jo
Willson, Melvin Thomas
Willson, Randol Leroy
Willson, Jr., Randol Leroy
Willson, Roger Leon
Willson, Jr., Roger Leon
Willson, Versal Jackson
Willson, William Randolph
Wilson, Jr., A. J. (Private-)
Wilson, Alex Clifton (4 AUG 1943-14 APR 1997)
Wilson, Alice
Wilson, Allen Lee
Wilson, II, Andrew Jackson (13 JAN 1889-29 OCT 1976)
Wilson, Jr., Andrew Jackson (9 JUN 1930-19 NOV 1999)
Wilson, Andrew Jackson (1868-1942)
Wilson, Anna (14 JUN 1895-21 AUG 1896)
Wilson, Anna (ABT 1760-)
Wilson, Bessie (21 AUG 1893-SEP 1982)
Wilson, Bridgette (ABT 1922-)
Wilson, Carol
Wilson, Carolyn (26 NOV 1956-16 JUN 1990)
Wilson, Charles Edd (21 FEB 1916-8 DEC 1988)
Wilson, Daisy Estell (26 OCT 1903-5 JUL 1928)
Wilson, Dovie Lou (ABT 1891-)
Wilson, Earl Robert (25 SEP 1892-)
Wilson, Edmond (ABT 1920-)
Wilson, Elizabeth "Betsy" (1 APR 1809-13 MAY 1885)
Wilson, Emily
Wilson, Emma (1872-)
Wilson, Ethel Inez (27 AUG 1927-11 FEB 1998)
Wilson, Frankie Dell (20 JAN 1946-26 JAN 1946)
Wilson, George Terry (23 SEP 1922-15 SEP 1996)
Wilson, Guy Frederick (ABT 1910-)
Wilson, Iota SueAddie (3 SEP 1905-25 DEC 1981)
Wilson, J. Charles (ABT 1875-)
Wilson, Jack (ABT 1928-)
Wilson, Jack
Wilson, Jack Jurney
Wilson, Jack Weaver (4 OCT 1922-15 JUL 1996)
Wilson, James Turner (4 JAN 1883-)
Wilson, Jennifer
Wilson, Jessica
Wilson, Jimmy Elbert (21 FEB 1914-11 FEB 1996)
Wilson, Johnny Pauline (31 AUG 1920-)
Wilson, Karmyn Karson
Wilson, Kitty Sevilla (8 JAN 1910-19 MAR 1988)
Wilson, Lector (ABT 1893-)
Wilson, Living
Wilson, Living
Wilson, Living
Wilson, Lydia (ABT 1825-)
Wilson, Manford Elmo
Wilson, Martha Francis
Wilson, Martha Jane (4 JUL 1824-1871)
Wilson, Mary "Polly" (6 MAY 1812-29 JUN 1899)
Wilson, Mary Agnes
Wilson, Mary Anne (19 JAN 1850-3 MAR 1925)
Wilson, Melody Robin
Wilson, Pearl Irene (16 OCT 1893-)
Wilson, Polly Jane (5 DEC 1852-25 JAN 1937)
Wilson, Raymond Dell (4 NOV 1919-)
Wilson, Reba
Wilson, Reesie Elroy (25 DEC 1924-19 OCT 1992)
Wilson, Renee
Wilson, Ricky
Wilson, Ricky Steven
Wilson, Robert Aaron
Wilson, Robert Andrew
Wilson, Ronald Allen
Wilson, Ronald Glenn
Wilson, Sally Maurine (28 FEB 1908-9 SEP 1971)
Wilson, Sally Myrel (14 AUG 1914-8 JUL 1993)
Wilson, Samuel (1854-1937)
Wilson, Sarah "Sally" (BET 1797 AND 1802-1875)
Wilson, Sevilla Maveline (13 MAY 1918-)
Wilson, Terry B. (11 JUL 1901-30 DEC 1934)
Wilson, Theodore (14 OCT 1901-DEC 1975)
Wilson, Tommy D. (ABT 1920-)
Wilson, Tommy Doyle (ABT 1895-)
Wilson, Unknown
Wilson, Vedia Lee Wilson
Wilson, Victor Elmo (ABT 1905-)
Wilson, Vivian Christine (9 NOV 1929-)
Wilson, Wilbur Beardsley (2 MAR 1891-25 JUL 1928)
Wilson, Willie Ruth (23 JAN 1941-27 JAN 1941)
Wilson, Jr., Williett Levert (2 APR 1932-10 DEC 1933)
Wilson, II, Williett Levert
Wilson, Williett Levert (11 JAN 1891-2 MAY 1951)
Wilson, Willis C. (13 NOV 1865-16 FEB 1933)
Wilson, Woodrow (17 JUN 1916-1 JUL 1917)
Wiltcher, Mildred (ABT 1825-)
Winch, Living
Winch, Living
Winchell, Jennie Elizabeth (6 JUL 1889-)
Winchester, Helen (30 OCT 1903-28 APR 1995)
Windham, Charlotta (ABT 1775-)
Winebarger, Minnie Louise (6 MAR 1891-9 OCT 1963)
Winn, Mr. (ABT 1810-)
Winslett, Charles (ABT 1862-)
Winslett, David (ABT 1781-1820)
Winslett, Dica C. "Tyney" (11 NOV 1845-6 JUL 1913)
Winslett, Donna Izabella (ABT 1843-)
Winslett, Edward Henricks (10 JUL 1853-2 JUL 1939)
Winslett, Edward J. (ABT 1808-)
Winslett, Elizabeth (ABT 1807-)
Winslett, Elizabeth Rebecca (OCT 1843-AFT 1919)
Winslett, Emily (ABT 1851-)
Winslett, Esther (ABT 1788-14 JUL 1871)
Winslett, Frederick (ABT 1858-)
Winslett, Harriett (ABT 1822-)
Winslett, Herbert Lee (ABT 1860-)
Winslett, James (JAN 1860-)
Winslett, James (ABT 1805-BEF 30 APR 1853)
Winslett, James (ABT 1790-BEF 1820)
Winslett, James (ABT 1840-ABT 1861)
Winslett, James (ABT 1858-)
Winslett, Jesse (ABT 1866-)
Winslett, Joel (ABT 1785-)
Winslett, John C. (29 APR 1846-18 JUN 1914)
Winslett, John Carson (ABT 1775-1821)
Winslett, John M C (ABT 1810-)
Winslett, Jonathan (ABT 1805-)
Winslett, Jonathan (ABT 1799-BEF 1880)
Winslett, Joseph Bradford (ABT 1844-17 JAN 1917)
Winslett, Lizzie (ABT 1872-)
Winslett, Louisa J. (ABT 1868-)
Winslett, Margaret Sophia Kit (6 APR 1850-5 SEP 1945)
Winslett, Martha A. (ABT 1819-)
Winslett, Mary (ABT 1813-)
Winslett, Mary (ABT 1870-)
Winslett, Mary (ABT 1783-)
Winslett, Missy (ABT 1861-)
Winslett, Nancy (ABT 1809-)
Winslett, Nancy Jane (ABT 1846-BET 1921 AND 1925)
Winslett, Richard (ABT 1780-1828)
Winslett, Samuel (11 NOV 1845-)
Winslett, Samuel (ABT 1775-1843)
Winslett, Samuel (ABT 1750-11 SEP 1829)
Winslett, Sarah (ABT 1825-)
Winslett, Thomas (ABT 1779-)
Winslett, Thomas Milton (DEC 1847-31 AUG 1928)
Winslett, Wesley Leverett (ABT 1865-)
Winslett, William (ABT 1855-26 FEB 1915)
Winslett, William (ABT 1777-1811)
Winslett, William "Buck" (ABT 1804-1861)
Winslett, William F W (ABT 1833-)
Winslett, William Milton (ABT 1812-BEF 1880)
Winslett, Jr., William W. (ABT 1863-)
Winslett, William W. (ABT 1824-BEF 1920)
Winston, Sarah (9 FEB 1747/48-)
Winters, Unknown (ABT 1905-)
Withelm, Maggie (ABT 1885-)
Wittner, Carl Randolph
Wittner, Robert Fred (14 SEP 1925-)
Wittner, Robert Leo
Wittner, Rose Mary
Wolf, Living
Wolfe, Sarah Elizabeth (ABT 1855-)
Wolfoter, Martha Jane Hall (ABT 1875-)
Womack, Sandra Kaye
Wood, Aletha (1827-)
Wood, Alfred L. (1800-)
Wood, Amos (ABT 1770-)
Wood, Benjamin (12 MAY 1797-1884)
Wood, Berry (ABT 1815-)
Wood, Bessie Elizabeth (28 SEP 1898-AUG 1995)
Wood, Eurastus Urial (9 JUN 1856-5 AUG 1920)
Wood, Hiero Wilson (ABT APR 1850-)
Wood, Lillian Mae (22 MAY 1903-23 SEP 1972)
Wood, Living
Wood, Living
Wood, Living
Wood, Mattie Mae (JAN 1886-15 MAY 1912)
Wood, Minnie Lee (17 MAY 1888-3 DEC 1953)
Wood, Montie Ray (30 SEP 1938-7 AUG 1986)
Wood, Montie Wayne (9 AUG 1984-21 MAR 1994)
Wood, Morgane Sierra (28 SEP 1989-Private)
Wood, Myrtle Ella (10 SEP 1883-31 JAN 1912)
Wood, Pearl Ida (1 MAR 1892-23 DEC 1970)
Wood, Phebe (15 NOV 1820-4 FEB 1880)
Wood, Reuben Curtis (17 MAR 1909-2 JUN 1970)
Wood, Rosa Dovie (3 FEB 1894-14 NOV 1950)
Wood, Sarah Jane (1853-)
Wood, Unknown (ABT 1755-)
Wood, William Arthur (16 JAN 1889-28 JAN 1956)
Woodrell, Arthur Earle (24 SEP 1889-)
Woodrell, Bertha Luetta (8 SEP 1893-)
Woodrell, James Alfred (9 JAN 1882-ABT JAN 1946)
Woodrell, Mordica Halley (8 DEC 1855-26 SEP 1940)
Woods, Alice (ABT 1900-)
Woods, Living
Woods, Richard B. (ABT 1845-)
Woods, Wesley (ABT 1850-)
Woodward, James (ABT 1890-)
Woodward, Sarah Jane (2 FEB 1837-19 SEP 1892)
Woodworth, George W. (ABT 1800-)
Woodworth, Sarah B. (ABT 1825-)
Woody, Alberta Elizabeth (9 APR 1902-AUG 1993)
Wooley, Bessie Beatrice (9 SEP 1917-)
Woolridge, Shirley Ann
Wooster, Delia Knight (ABT 1810-)
Wooster, Julius (ABT 1785-)
Wooten, Living
Wooten, Margaritt Peggy (ABT 1767-20 JUL 1851)
Wooten, Mary "Polly" Ann (ABT 1783-)
Worden, Rachel (ABT 1778-)
Wordin, Thomas (ABT 1705-)
Wordin, Unknown (ABT 1720-)
Working, Kenneth Calvin (ABT 1900-)
Worrel, Elmedia M. (ABT 1905-)
Wrenn, Anny (ABT 1805-)
Wright, Alvirous L. (ABT 1840-)
Wright, Annie Bell (9 FEB 1884-MAR 1975)
Wright, Elizabeth (ABT 1664-)
Wright, Elizabeth "Eliza" (ABT 1818-)
Wright, Ellen Elizabeth (9 JAN 1894-ABT AUG 1917)
Wright, John (ABT 1840-)
Wright, John Turner (17 OCT 1892-ABT JAN 1893)
Wright, Josephine Bell (ABT 1915-)
Wright, Living (ABT 1890-)
Wright, Living
Wright, Living
Wright, Mary Francis (1837-BEF 1880)
Wright, Minnie Alice (27 JUN 1889-)
Wright, Stella Jane (31 AUG 1887-)
Wright, Sylvia
Wright, Viana (26 AUG 1834-9 JUN 1918)
Wright, Virginia (APR 1862-)
Wright, Jr., Willis Martin (1 MAY 1861-)
Wright, III, Willis Martin (ABT FEB 1890-)
Wyatt, Daughter (ABT 1920-)
Wyatt, William (ABT 1898-)
Wynn, Claude (JUN 1881-)
Wynn, Gustavus (SEP 1883-)
Wynn, Living (ABT 1900-)
Wynn, Living
Wynn, Minnie Ola (ABT 1890-)
Wynn, Samuel W. (ABT 1844-)
Wynn, W. A. (ABT 1805-)
Wyscaver, Audrey Lucille (24 SEP 1925-)
Wyscaver, Christine
Wyscaver, Jr., Melvin Otis (14 DEC 1929-)
Wyscaver, Melvin Otis (18 AUG 1903-15 APR 1994)
Wyscaver, Pamela
Wyscaver, Ronald
Wyscaver, Stella Blanche (12 JUN 1907-MAY 1985)
Yarnell, Living
Yates, Clifford (ABT 1885-)
Yates, Joseph (ABT 1840-)
Yates, Lorenzo Dow (24 APR 1839-13 MAR 1932)
Yates, Nancy (ABT 1787-)
Yates, Ruby (ABT 1885-)
Yates, Woodson (ABT 1810-)
Yeates, George Wilson (ABT 1860-)
Yeates, Mary Frances (ABT 1860-)
Yeiser, Inez
Yoder, Oscar Hulin (6 JAN 1893-12 DEC 1960)
York, Living
York, Living
Younce, Living
Young, Alexander (ABT 1862-)
Young, Alice (APR 1878-)
Young, Birdine (ABT 1879-)
Young, Charles (ABT 1870-)
Young, E. P. (ABT 1870-)
Young, Ezekiel P. (ABT 1836-)
Young, Fannie (ABT 1860-)
Young, George W. (ABT 1840-)
Young, Ida (ABT 1876-)
Young, John (ABT 1805-)
Young, John (ABT 1810-)
Young, John Hampton (ABT 1878-)
Young, John W. (ABT 1854-)
Young, Josiah (ABT 1832-)
Young, Kenneth Jack (ABT 1910-)
Young, Martin (ABT 1834-)
Young, Mary Jane (ABT 1838-)
Young, Mary Jane "Molly" (ABT 1887-)
Young, Robert Frank
Young, Robert H. (ABT 1862-)
Young, Roger Jack
Young, Russell Polk
Young, Sam (SEP 1828-28 OCT 1913)
Young, Thomas (ABT 1844-)
Zachary, Amy Margaret (5 MAY 1908-AUG 1980)
Zech, Unknown (ABT 1920-)
Zieger, Ellen Salome (30 NOV 1881-15 SEP 1970)
Zimmerman, Will (2 NOV 1867-)
Zitzewitz, Roland Walter (25 JUN 1925-JUL 1983)
deForest, Henry Grant (3 AUG 1820-)
deForest, Lockwood (5 MAR 1775-29 NOV 1848)



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