
Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Solving the Mystery: DNA Tests for Your Research

Family Tree Names

Hightower, Pearl (ABT 1880-)
Hightower, Tommie Dell (11 SEP 1926-)
Hilemon, Don Allen (ABT 1955-Private)
Hilemon, Don Allen (25 JUL 1978-Private)
Hill, ? (Private-)
Hill, Living
Hill, Living
Hill, Mary (ABT 1760-)
Hill, Ola (3 FEB 1897-12 FEB 1960)
Hill, Omie Dale (13 JUL 1914-3 MAY 1980)
Hill, Sarah Jane (22 JUL 1857-17 JAN 1929)
Hill, Willehemene Jessie (21 OCT 1884-12 MAY 1943)
Hilliion, Living (ABT 1900-)
Hillyard, Betty (ABT 1920-)
Hilton, James Thomas (23 AUG 1883-20 DEC 1932)
Hilyer, Clarance G. (OCT 1885-)
Hilyer, Deborah
Hilyer, Eldred V. (DEC 1889-)
Hilyer, Ellen Colleen (22 AUG 1890-)
Hilyer, Gloria
Hilyer, Hilda Colleen
Hilyer, Jada S. (AUG 1898-)
Hilyer, James
Hilyer, Jeff
Hilyer, Joy
Hilyer, Julian Palmer
Hilyer, Madison Obediah (13 MAR 1888-)
Hilyer, Media L. (FEB 1893-)
Hilyer, Patsy (ABT 1930-Private)
Hilyer, Rembert Madison
Hilyer, Ronnie
Hilyer, Sirons O. (SEP 1895-)
Hilyer, Thomas Quentin
Hilyer, Tommy
Hilyer, William J. (FEB 1863-)
Hinchey, Living
Hine, Mary Jane (ABT 1846-1928)
Hinsdale, Mehitable (18 OCT 1663-)
Hinton, Eleanor Ann
Hix, Mr. (ABT 1885-)
Hix, Polly (ABT 1814-)
Hoar, Ellen M. (ABT 1830-)
Hobbs, Living
Hockedy, Safronia ELizabeth (8 SEP 1862-4 NOV 1897)
Hodge, Aileen
Hodge, Hattie Vestil (1896-)
Hodges, Andrew (ABT 1870-)
Hodges, Haley Cathryn (13 FEB 1991-Private)
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Living
Hodges, Robert (2 JAN 1963-Private)
Hodgson, Albert W. (1881-1941)
Hoeninghaus, Wilhelm (ABT 1850-)
Hogan, Honora (ABT 1905-)
Hogue, Thelma (ABT 1890-)
Holbert, Living
Holbrook, John (ABT 1750-)
Holbrook, Weltha (ABT 1775-)
Holcom, Lucinda (ABT 1810-)
Holcomb, Silas (ABT 1849-)
Holcombe, Mr. (ABT 1850-)
Holder, Cynthia (ABT 1855-)
Holdman, Elizabeth (ABT 1830-)
Holladay, James (ABT 1857-)
Holladay, William A. (ABT 1855-)
Holland, Abraham Lincoln (ABT 1866-)
Holland, Absalom (29 OCT 1791-13 AUG 1878)
Holland, Absalom B. (4 FEB 1831-5 APR 1907)
Holland, Agnes (ABT 1859-)
Holland, Andrew Jackson (13 FEB 1828-17 OCT 1921)
Holland, Basil (20 NOV 1924-)
Holland, Catherine (1838-)
Holland, Charles (2 APR 1758-16 MAR 1846)
Holland, Charles Harris (30 NOV 1833-8 APR 1895)
Holland, Charles K. (1829-16 AUG 1909)
Holland, Charles M. (ABT 1869-)
Holland, Charles Miller (7 APR 1793-15 APR 1897)
Holland, Charles Miller (1856-1935)
Holland, Charles Sherwood (7 APR 1794-)
Holland, Clarence O. (AUG 1872-)
Holland, Clelle (4 SEP 1893-10 JUN 1895)
Holland, David Childress (8 MAR 1821-AFT 1870)
Holland, David Franklin (ABT 1850-)
Holland, David Franklin (14 AUG 1920-)
Holland, David W. (ABT 1856-)
Holland, DeGola (ABT 1877-)
Holland, Della (ABT 1871-)
Holland, Drucilla (ABT 1860-ABT 1863)
Holland, Drusilla J. (ABT 1851-)
Holland, Effie (19 MAY 1826-)
Holland, Eleanor (16 DEC 1831-)
Holland, Elias Herron (15 JUL 1843-)
Holland, Elijah (16 MAR 1820-AFT 1870)
Holland, Elizabeth (ABT 1784-)
Holland, Elizabeth (22 FEB 1824-)
Holland, Elizabeth (1835-)
Holland, Erlene
Holland, Ethel (ABT 1900-)
Holland, Florence F. (JUL 1874-)
Holland, George (ABT 1851-)
Holland, George Humphries (26 JUN 1819-16 FEB 1875)
Holland, Hannah (4 JAN 1799-2 FEB 1892)
Holland, Hardin (14 SEP 1926-)
Holland, Hassie Urena (1905-)
Holland, Henry D. (30 NOV 1848-)
Holland, Henry Harrison (26 JUN 1840-25 OCT 1911)
Holland, Henry M. (ABT 1857-)
Holland, Humphrey (ABT 1895-)
Holland, Jacob (14 JUL 1794-15 FEB 1872)
Holland, Jacob (ABT 1761-1 OCT 1852)
Holland, Jacob H. (30 NOV 1829-18 JAN 1902)
Holland, Jacob L. C. (ABT 1866-)
Holland, Jacob Miller (9 DEC 1828-26 NOV 1903)
Holland, Jacob W. (1825-AFT 1873)
Holland, James Duskin (7 FEB 1841-9 JUN 1902)
Holland, James Jacob (1 MAR 1862-15 JAN 1897)
Holland, Jane (ABT 1788-)
Holland, Jennie May (1910-)
Holland, Jessie (ABT 1907-)
Holland, Joe Burdnette (14 APR 1928-)
Holland, John F. (ABT 1861-)
Holland, John M (ABT 1878-)
Holland, John W. (ABT 1862-)
Holland, Joseph (ABT 1858-)
Holland, Joseph W. (ABT 1866-)
Holland, Juanita (6 AUG 1922-13 DEC 1934)
Holland, Julia Virginia
Holland, Lela (ABT 1870-1886)
Holland, Lenora (31 MAR 1874-4 APR 1888)
Holland, Louise (17 FEB 1920-)
Holland, Louise (30 JUN 1815-)
Holland, Maggie (ABT 1875-)
Holland, Margaret (25 NOV 1790-27 JUN 1860)
Holland, Margaret A. (1859-)
Holland, Martha J. (MAY 1878-)
Holland, Martha Melvina (11 APR 1845-)
Holland, Martin Luther (ABT 1851-)
Holland, Mary Jane (1838-16 JUL 1898)
Holland, Mary Molly (ABT 1857-)
Holland, Maude (1840-)
Holland, Maudine (21 FEB 1930-)
Holland, Minnie Inez (21 JUN 1883-13 AUG 1970)
Holland, Nancy O. (ABT 1870-)
Holland, Narcisa J. (ABT 1856-)
Holland, Obie (8 NOV 1896-)
Holland, Ollie H. (ABT 1880-)
Holland, Ottis (ABT 1898-)
Holland, Oyma Lee (1912-)
Holland, Pauline (21 FEB 1930-21 MAR 1930)
Holland, Peggy (ABT 1786-)
Holland, Philip Michael
Holland, Polly (ABT 1782-)
Holland, Queen Wametta (DEC 1876-)
Holland, Randy
Holland, Reuben A. (ABT 1806-)
Holland, Robert (ABT 1849-)
Holland, Sampson (ABT 1796-)
Holland, Sarah (ABT 1802-1 FEB 1844)
Holland, Sarah (1804-1867)
Holland, Sarah Ann (13 FEB 1822-6 FEB 1905)
Holland, Sarah Ann (14 NOV 1836-)
Holland, Sarah E. (ABT 1869-)
Holland, Sarah Penelope (11 FEB 1817-20 JUN 1889)
Holland, Sophie (ABT 1853-)
Holland, Thomas (17 DEC 1763-3 OCT 1815)
Holland, Thomas (1821-1902)
Holland, Thomas (ABT 1854-)
Holland, Thomas J. (25 NOV 1838-14 MAY 1886)
Holland, Wayman Harrison (15 FEB 1864-13 FEB 1947)
Holland, Waymon R. (1834-AFT 1870)
Holland, Waymon R. (ABT 1864-)
Holland, William (1857-)
Holland, William Buford (ABT 1820-1864)
Holland, William E. (ABT 1854-)
Holland, William F. (ABT 1846-)
Holland, William H. (20 DEC 1821-AFT 1872)
Holland, William H. (ABT 1874-)
Holland, William Miller (18 FEB 1852-13 APR 1914)
Holland, William Miller (1817-)
Holland, Wooster (28 NOV 1870-1946)
Hollands, Allie Eugena (14 FEB 1906-25 MAY 1973)
Holley, Alma Lee (5 MAY 1913-3 DEC 1997)
Holloman, Annie Laura (29 JUN 1914-30 JUL 1938)
Holloman, Jean (ABT 1930-)
Hollon, Armina Gibbs (ABT 1860-)
Hollon, Belle (1875-1964)
Hollon, D. B. (ABT 1870-)
Hollon, Nelson (ABT 1870-)
Holloway, Matilda Alsie (14 APR 1838-8 FEB 1911)
Holman, Asa (ABT 1773-AFT 1870)
Holman, Mary "Millie" (ABT 1806-)
Holman, Nancy Elizabeth "Betty" (1804-31 MAY 1848)
Holsclaw, Clyde (12 AUG 1903-10 OCT 1903)
Holsclaw, Living (ABT 1904-)
Holsclaw, Mr. (ABT 1870-)
Holt, Living
Holtz, Living
Honeycutt, Mary Ann "Polly" (11 SEP 1822-17 JAN 1915)
Honn, Betty
Hooks, Vella Mae (1897-1974)
Hopkins, Inak Jane (ABT 1840-)
Hopkins, Sarah (ABT 1825-)
Hopper, Annie (5 JUL 1766-)
Hopper, David (ABT 1790-1855)
Hopper, David (ABT 1755-)
Hopper, Elizabeth (ABT 1795-)
Hopper, Elizabeth (ABT 1756-)
Hopper, Elizabeth (1 FEB 1784-3 FEB 1871)
Hopper, James (ABT 1786-)
Hopper, Jane (19 MAY 1757-)
Hopper, Joel (ABT 1795-31 JAN 1851)
Hopper, John (16 APR 1759-12 MAR 1852)
Hopper, John (ABT 1800-)
Hopper, Living
Hopper, Living
Hopper, Mary (ABT 1770-)
Hopper, Samuel (ABT 1788-)
Hopper, Susannah (17 MAY 1764-)
Hopper, Jr., Thomas (4 MAY 1761-)
Hopper, Thomas (ABT 1735-)
Hopper, William (ABT 1789-)
Hopson, David (ABT 1830-)
Hopson, Mary Jane (12 FEB 1860-8 JUN 1930)
Horner, Living
Horner, Living
Horner, Living
Horner, Living
Horner, Living
Horner, Living
Horner, Mary Jane (ABT 1837-)
Horner, Mr. (ABT 1880-)
Horner, Sarah E. (ABT 1839-)
Horner, W. P. (ABT 1900-)
Horner, William C. (ABT 1810-)
Horner, Jr., William C. (ABT 1835-)
Horrell, John Wesley (ABT 1835-)
Horsley, Living
Hoskins, Sarah (ABT 1895-)
Houk, Living
Hounshall, Kitcie (ABT 1860-)
How, Esther (18 NOV 1671-ABT 1697)
Howard, Dora B. (ABT 1880-)
Howard, Harry (1890-)
Howard, Hugh W. (ABT 1835-)
Howard, Living (ABT 1905-)
Howard, Living
Howard, Nora A. (14 MAR 1901-13 AUG 1962)
Howard, Sarah Matilda (ABT 1858-)
Howe, William Henry (ABT 1845-)
Howell, William (ABT 1795-)
Howpe, Edward (ABT 1890-)
Howser, Charles (ABT 1845-)
Hoyal, Hollieb M. (ABT 1875-)
Hoyt, David B. (ABT 1830-)
Hubbard, Ezra Stiles (1794-1861)
Hubbard, Frances (1905-)
Hubbard, George B. (1822-1900)
Hubbard, Isaac (1752-1796)
Hubbard, John (1727-1786)
Hubbard, Lillie Ann (ABT 1836-)
Hubbard, Lillie C. (ABT 1870-)
Hubbard, Mahulda Mahala Parilee (4 MAR 1840-)
Hubbell, Abel (ABT 1720-)
Hubbell, Elizabeth (1689-)
Hubbell, Parrach (1730-1819)
Hubbell, Patience (ABT 1720-)
Hubbell, Richard (ABT 1655-)
Hubbell, Sarah (ABT 1765-)
Hubbs, Living
Huff, Ela Mae (6 AUG 1897-4 FEB 1899)
Huff, Ella Mae (6 AUG 1897-)
Huff, Jr., George W. (24 NOV 1882-12 JUN 1967)
Huff, George W. (1860-1918)
Huff, John H. (1874-1959)
Huff, Lawrence V. (29 MAR 1900-JUL 1958)
Huff, Living (ABT 1894-)
Huff, Living
Huff, Living (ABT 1896-)
Huff, Living (ABT 1901-)
Huff, Living (ABT 1892-)
Huff, Living (ABT 1890-)
Huff, Living
Huff, Living (ABT 1899-)
Huff, Lonas Raymond (13 MAR 1902-10 AUG 1982)
Huff, Vanita (JUN 1904-28 JAN 1920)
Huffaker, John R. (ABT 1875-)
Huffaker, Living
Huffman, Anna B. (ABT 1848-)
Hughart, Jennie L. (ABT 1855-)
Hughes, Abijah (13 AUG 1807-)
Hughes, Alabama J. (20 JUN 1850-26 DEC 1871)
Hughes, Alvin Collum (1855-)
Hughes, Blackmore (ABT 1720-)
Hughes, C. E. (DEC 1861-ABT 1921)
Hughes, Catherine (ABT 1820-)
Hughes, Catherine Tennessee (1847-)
Hughes, Ceolo Kentucky (8 NOV 1838-JAN 1919)
Hughes, Charles B. (DEC 1909-FEB 1976)
Hughes, Charles Bryon (MAY 1875-MAY 1885)
Hughes, Cy
Hughes, David Harley (JAN 1874-)
Hughes, Dell Oliva (JUN 1880-FEB 1958)
Hughes, Eleanor (14 DEC 1810-)
Hughes, Elizabeth (1838-)
Hughes, Flora E. (ABT 1880-)
Hughes, Florian (DEC 1909-FEB 1910)
Hughes, Fred Leander (15 NOV 1883-JUL 1958)
Hughes, George (ABT 1815-)
Hughes, George Samuel (AUG 1869-AUG 1951)
Hughes, Harrison (ABT 1810-)
Hughes, Harrison Irby (15 MAR 1840-7 MAR 1885)
Hughes, Harrison Irby (25 AUG 1778-25 JUN 1846)
Hughes, Harvey Y. (ABT 1813-)
Hughes, Hezekiah (18 JAN 1809-)
Hughes, James (ABT 1740-)
Hughes, James Tompkins (ABT 1818-)
Hughes, Jane (ABT 1811-)
Hughes, John (MAY 1740-1807)
Hughes, John (ABT 1809-)
Hughes, John Elgin (1866-1946)
Hughes, John J. (ABT 1820-)
Hughes, Laura A. (1849-)
Hughes, Lawrence T. (OCT 1903-DEC 1971)
Hughes, Living
Hughes, Living
Hughes, Living
Hughes, Living
Hughes, Living
Hughes, Lura (NOV 1873-MAY 1874)
Hughes, Marion Frank (DEC 1870-)
Hughes, Martha (3 APR 1775-ABT 1817)
Hughes, Martha Minerva (NOV 1884-JUL 1958)
Hughes, Mary (29 OCT 1805-AUG 1876)
Hughes, Mary Frances (22 JAN 1835-14 OCT 1880)
Hughes, Mary Jane (FEB 1858-)
Hughes, Matilda Jane (6 APR 1839-)
Hughes, Oregon Texas P. (ABT 1844-)
Hughes, Philander D. (1859-)
Hughes, Philander Davis (30 MAR 1831-19 JUL 1912)
Hughes, Rex E. (DEC 1919-FEB 1978)
Hughes, Rice (5 SEP 1818-)
Hughes, Rice (1773-)
Hughes, Robert (ABT 1817-)
Hughes, Samuel (24 MAR 1814-)
Hughes, Sarah (ABT 1770-1804)
Hughes, Sarah (16 SEP 1819-)
Hughes, Sarah Delaney (DEC 1867-FEB 1943)
Hughes, Savilla Mobley (1837-)
Hughes, Truman Thomas (MAR 1905-APR 1984)
Hughes, William David (ABT 1851-)
Hughes, William Quarles (7 DEC 1811-15 MAR 1881)
Hughs, Bernice Erma (7 NOV 1908-27 MAR 1985)
Hull, Deborah (ABT 1688-)
Hull, Living
Hull, Samuel (ABT 1650-)
Hulme, Naomi (ABT 1720-)
Hulse, Emma Elizabeth (23 OCT 1898-24 SEP 1974)
Hulsey, Frances (ABT 1776-)
Humphrey, Alpha Hazel (ABT 1912-1982)
Humphrey, Living
Humphrey, Living
Humphries, G. T. (ABT 1860-)
Humphries, Minta (ABT 1880-)
Hunt, Joyce
Hunt, Luther D. (ABT 1890-)
Hunt, Polly Corbett (12 JUN 1789-26 APR 1844)
Hunter, Alan
Hunter, David M. (ABT 1845-)
Hunter, Judith (ABT 1815-)
Hunter, Living
Huntsman, Adam (11 FEB 1786-23 AUG 1894)
Huntsman, Ann (ABT 1822-)
Hurd, Ebenezer (ABT 1720-)
Hurd, Hannah Achsah (ABT 1780-)
Hurd, Mebetabel (ABT 1750-)
Hurlburt, Elizabeth (ABT 1740-)
Hurst, Living
Hurst, Living
Hurst, Living
Hurst, Living (ABT 1906-)
Hurst, Living
Huskey, Aaron L. (19 APR 1900-18 SEP 1962)
Huskey, Flora G. (DEC 1892-)
Huskey, John Nelson (4 APR 1867-4 FEB 1931)
Huskey, Living
Huskey, Living
Huskey, Living
Huskey, Lutisha (8 JUN 1891-1 JAN 1971)
Huskey, Mattie A. (OCT 1890-)
Huskey, Rhoda (DEC 1885-)
Huskey, Robert Lee (AUG 1895-)
Huskey, William L. (AUG 1897-)
Hutchens, Charles Nicklous (20 OCT 1848-17 JAN 1941)
Hutchinson, Ida (ABT 1855-30 OCT 1899)
Hutson, Billie Lee
Hutson, Clayton Fulton (25 JAN 1941-1994)
Hutson, Craig Lee
Hutson, Jane Ellen
Hutson, John (ABT 1770-)
Hutson, Malcome Lawrence
Hutson, Raymond Donald
Hutson, Thomas Arthur
Hutson, Thomas Lawrence (9 JAN 1902-SEP 1967)
Hyde, Deborah (ABT 1650-)
Hyman, Living
Hynum, Dawilda Iranthy (21 JAN 1904-27 SEP 1983)
Ingalsbe, Daughter (Private-)
Ingalsbe, Daughter (Private-)
Ingalsbe, Daughter (Private-)
Ingalsbe, Daughter 1 (Private-)
Ingalsbe, Daughter 2 (Private-)
Ingalsbe, Donald Leroy (15 APR 1935-Private)
Ingalsbe, Dwight William (27 JAN 1944-Private)
Ingalsbe, Lawson Seth (3 JUN 1890-28 OCT 1971)
Ingalsbe, Opal Marie (6 AUG 1922-7 SEP 1959)
Ingalsbe, Seigel Franz (ABT 1870-)
Ingalsbe, Son (Private-)
Ingalsbe, Son (Private-)
Ingram, John (ABT 1834-)
Ingram, O. C. (ABT 1910-)
Ingram, Susan Rebecca (23 APR 1857-13 OCT 1890)
Ingram, Wallace (ABT 1888-1939)
Inmon, Robinette (9 JUN 1934-Private)
Insure, Martha R. Shafer (ABT 1766-)
Irby, Lucy (ABT 1755-)
Irby, William (ABT 1735-)
Irons, Dorothy (25 NOV 1942-Private)
Irons, Vernon (27 JAN 1911-5 OCT 1993)
Isaacs, Living
Isaas, Living
Isbel, Homer (ABT 1890-)
Isbel, Living
Isbell, Claude (ABT 1895-)
Isbell, Julia Ethel
Iserhardt, Frances Ann
Iserhardt, Kermit Paasch
Iserhardt, Maribeth Sue
Iserhardt, Ralph Theodore (ABT 1910-)
Iserhardt, Steven Ralph
Ivey, Ada (ABT 1885-)
Ivy, Mary Ann (ABT 1815-)
Jackson, Henry (ABT 1680-)
Jackson, James Reuben "Ruff" (ABT 1860-)
Jackson, Jesse (ABT 1840-)
Jackson, John Tillman (ABT 1840-)
Jackson, Mercy (30 NOV 1713-17 NOV 1754)
Jackson, Moses (ABT 1650-)
Jackson, Pearl (1 MAR 1912-13 JUN 1999)
Jackson, Rebecca (10 MAY 1674-ABT 1704)
Jacobs, Billie Wendell
Jacobs, Clinton DeWayne
Jacobs, Joseph Wyot
Jacobs, Will (21 OCT 1903-)
Jamerson, Patience (1842-5 APR 1882)
James, Baxter (ABT 1890-)
James, Lee (ABT 1892-)
James, Living
James, Living (ABT 1902-)
James, Margaret Elizabeth (22 OCT 1867-JAN 1938)
James, Nina Pearl (20 DEC 1892-APR 1978)
James, Thomas Edward (24 MAR 1870-28 JUN 1946)
James, William (ABT 1865-)
Jameson, Living (ABT 1900-)
Jane, (ABT 1770-)
Janes, Deborah (9 SEP 1697-)
Janes, Elizabeth (5 NOV 1695-)
Janes, Esther (21 MAR 1687/88-)
Janes, Harvey (ABT 1805-)
Janes, Mary (1692-)
Janes, Michael (29 SEP 1686-)
Janes, Sarah (20 MAR 1693/94-)
Janes, Sarah E. (ABT 1835-)
Janes, William (ABT 1655-)
Janson, Becky (29 DEC 1970-Private)
Janson, Jennifer
Janson, Joseph (13 MAR 1969-Private)
Janson, Joseph Peter
Janson, Matthew (10 SEP 1975-Private)
Jared, Alexander (29 SEP 1841-17 NOV 1841)
Jared, Alexander (ABT 1856-)
Jared, Jr., Alvin C. (ABT 1920-)
Jared, Alvin Cullum (AUG 1880-)
Jared, Anneliza (26 SEP 1838-)
Jared, Augustus Price (13 JAN 1871-14 JAN 1946)
Jared, Betsy Ann (13 AUG 1822-)
Jared, Bryce Byrne (1830-1887)
Jared, Bryce Byrne (15 FEB 1851-12 NOV 1911)
Jared, Caroline Stillman (1832-1886)
Jared, Catherine (ABT 1848-)
Jared, Charles (1793-)
Jared, Clive (ABT 1890-)
Jared, Cordelia May (1 MAY 1878-)
Jared, Edith (ABT 1909-)
Jared, Elise (ABT 1917-)
Jared, Eliza Jane (15 JUN 1832-14 SEP 1899)
Jared, Elizabeth (1838-29 DEC 1895)
Jared, Elizabeth (23 JAN 1781-)
Jared, Elizabeth Ann (8 JUL 1837-)
Jared, Elizabeth Ann "Betty" (ABT 1876-)
Jared, Emily (3 FEB 1826-2 SEP 1826)
Jared, Flemin Thompson (17 MAR 1877-)
Jared, Hannah (14 FEB 1768-25 NOV 1768)
Jared, Hasker Michael (11 JAN 1879-29 APR 1919)
Jared, Henry Hickman (23 JUL 1852-18 DEC 1863)
Jared, Hexie (1845-)
Jared, Idellar (27 MAY 1872-4 OCT 1917)
Jared, Israel Joel (12 AUG 1771-)
Jared, James (ABT 1865-)
Jared, James Allison (12 MAY 1864-)
Jared, Joel (19 JUL 1785-)
Jared, Joel (1795-)
Jared, John (5 JUN 1811-22 DEC 1896)
Jared, John (3 NOV 1775-)
Jared, John (25 JUN 1737-)
Jared, John (19 SEP 1789-)
Jared, John Cullum
Jared, John M. (1845-)
Jared, John Wesley (2 AUG 1853-2 AUG 1853)
Jared, John Wesley (7 AUG 1840-16 SEP 1840)
Jared, Joseph (2 JAN 1760-4 MAR 1835)
Jared, Joseph (11 MAR 1800-AFT 1894)
Jared, Joseph Graham (2 MAY 1854-21 APR 1932)
Jared, Josephine (ABT 1844-)
Jared, Josiah (1 SEP 1843-)
Jared, Lassie (20 AUG 1875-23 NOV 1921)
Jared, Lorenzo Dow (ABT 1802-)
Jared, Lynda Ann
Jared, Mahulda (1847-)
Jared, Malinda Tennessee (3 NOV 1857-)
Jared, Martha (10 OCT 1795-10 APR 1832)
Jared, Martha Jane (10 JUL 1856-)
Jared, Mary (ABT 1841-)
Jared, Mary Ann (13 AUG 1824-)
Jared, Mary Frances (1851-)
Jared, Mary Frances (5 AUG 1854-25 AUG 1861)
Jared, Mathew (15 JUL 1813-25 AUG 1847)
Jared, Moses (10 APR 1794-1827)
Jared, Moses Alexander (3 AUG 1827-29 SEP 1903)
Jared, Moses Bransford (11 APR 1834-)
Jared, Moses Simeon (2 NOV 1868-)
Jared, Nancy (ABT 1787-)
Jared, Naomi (17 SEP 1797-24 DEC 1876)
Jared, Naomi (17 SEP 1797-)
Jared, Naomi (9 AUG 1763-)
Jared, Naomi (1840-)
Jared, Nora Tennessee (SEP 1867-)
Jared, Overton (3 AUG 1857-4 MAY 1936)
Jared, Permelia (1849-)
Jared, Peter Young (1 JUN 1866-)
Jared, Pleasant Alton (ABT 1812-)
Jared, Polly (ABT 1839-)
Jared, Rachel (30 SEP 1773-)
Jared, Rhoda (24 OCT 1820-)
Jared, Robert (ABT 1870-)
Jared, Robert Houston (16 DEC 1872-12 AUG 1888)
Jared, Robert P (6 OCT 1842-)
Jared, Ruth (8 MAY 1800-)
Jared, Ruth (18 MAR 1802-)
Jared, Ruth (5 NOV 1769-)
Jared, Samuel (3 AUG 1807-)
Jared, Samuel (29 DEC 1788-)
Jared, Samuel Moody (26 JUN 1839-2 AUG 1839)
Jared, Samuel Nichols (30 NOV 1861-)
Jared, Sarah (ABT 1842-)
Jared, Sarah (1844-)
Jared, Sarah (20 JAN 1783-)
Jared, Sarah Victoria (19 AUG 1851-)
Jared, Tennessee (6 JUN 1848-11 JUN 1848)
Jared, Thomas (7 SEP 1776-)
Jared, Thomas Duggan (6 APR 1847-)
Jared, Virginia (4 SEP 1846-)
Jared, William (18 JUN 1805-SEP 1861)
Jared, William (22 MAY 1819-22 MAY 1819)
Jared, William (7 JUL 1836-21 AUG 1867)
Jared, William (1791-)
Jared, William (ABT 1849-)
Jared, William (3 JUN 1758-22 SEP 1827)
Jared, William C. (25 FEB 1836-25 DEC 1922)
Jared, William James (27 JUN 1840-27 APR 1919)
Jared, William Wade (1 JUL 1849-)
Jared, Yeatman Burr (4 MAY 1848-24 AUG 1861)
Jarrell, Ann (ABT 1736-)
Jarrell, Ann (ABT 1766-)
Jarrell, Benjamin (ABT 1739-)
Jarrell, Elizabeth (ABT 1743-)
Jarrell, Elizabeth (ABT 1764-)
Jarrell, Martha (ABT 1755-)
Jarrell, Thomas (ABT 1734-)
Jarrell, Thomas (ABT 1753-)
Jarrell, William (ABT 1768-)
Jarrett, Thomas (ABT 1680-)
Jarrett, Thomas (1703-)
Jasieniecki, Living
Jeffcoat, Angela Joy
Jeffcoat, Clarence (ABT 1925-)
Jeffcoat, Cleaties Harriel
Jeffcoat, Melody Joy
Jenkins, Edward Earl
Jenkins, Fred Louis (24 NOV 1912-26 JAN 1989)
Jenkins, Living
Jenkins, Martel (1934-Private)
Jenkins, Mr. (ABT 1885-)
Jessie, Ira R. (ABT 1877-)
Jett, Martha (ABT 1817-1901)
Johns, Edna Estella (7 OCT 1897-AUG 1979)
Johnson, Amos (FEB 1882-APR 1967)
Johnson, Ancle Sammie (SEP 1917-JUL 1974)
Johnson, Bettie (ABT 1875-)
Johnson, Calvin Pardy (ABT 1795-)
Johnson, Carolyn Ann
Johnson, Carrie (ABT 1899-)
Johnson, Charles Glen
Johnson, Charles Wendell (9 MAR 1917-9 MAY 1985)
Johnson, Clyde Bovie (1902-21 JUL 1982)
Johnson, David P. (1909-28 DEC 1977)
Johnson, Ellen (ABT 1880-)
Johnson, Estel (1 DEC 1911-)
Johnson, Garrett Wayne
Johnson, George Riley (22 JUL 1875-24 JUN 1962)
Johnson, Georgia (18 JUN 1854-25 DEC 1934)
Johnson, Ida May (28 SEP 1869-)
Johnson, Ivy Marleen
Johnson, James Eli (APR 1915-NOV 1917)
Johnson, Jane (ABT 1824-)
Johnson, Jane (ABT 1830-AFT 1880)
Johnson, Jeter Finley (26 MAY 1897-20 MAY 1981)
Johnson, Joe (ABT 1850-)
Johnson, Joseph Grant (10 JAN 1873-26 NOV 1976)
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Living
Johnson, Lois M. (FEB 1913-NOV 1917)
Johnson, Martha (ABT 1860-)
Johnson, Mary (ABT 1810-)
Johnson, Mary Elizabeth (1805-)
Johnson, Mary Mollie (APR 1866-)
Johnson, Mona
Johnson, Otto Almus (23 JUN 1895-18 DEC 1983)
Johnson, Porter (7 OCT 1908-14 JUN 1989)
Johnson, Rosa M. (MAY 1855-)
Johnson, Sarah Jane (22 JUN 1829-22 SEP 1898)
Johnson, Sloame (9 FEB 1850-12 MAY 1920)
Johnson, Stephen A. (ABT 1940-Private)
Johnson, Wesley E. (JUN 1910-SEP 1949)
Johnson, William (ABT 1880-)
Johnson, William R. (JUL 1888-JAN 1972)
Johnston, Leigh Ann
Joiner, Gladys Lorine (ABT 1907-4 MAY 1992)
Joines, Martha Elvira (ABT 1865-1 OCT 1947)
Jones, Abe Fincher (4 AUG 1872-6 OCT 1951)
Jones, Albrighton (ABT 1710-)
Jones, Alvin (30 JUL 1918-JUL 1922)
Jones, Andrew Jackson (ABT 1880-)
Jones, Beulah May (12 JUN 1895-AUG 1985)
Jones, Catherine (1920-25 DEC 2003)
Jones, Dale (17 FEB 1913-)
Jones, David P. (ABT 1840-)
Jones, Diane
Jones, Earl (24 FEB 1911-1913)
Jones, Elizabeth (ABT 1675-)
Jones, Grover (ABT 1890-)
Jones, Jackson (ABT 1860-)
Jones, Jackson (11 DEC 1903-)
Jones, John (ABT 1865-)
Jones, John McDilda (15 SEP 1871-4 JUL 1957)
Jones, Living
Jones, Living (ABT 1900-)
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Lucy Jane (19 OCT 1893-4 FEB 1985)
Jones, Mary (ABT 1740-)
Jones, Ogle (27 AUG 1915-)
Jones, Sarah Petis (ABT 1835-)
Jones, Shelby (ABT 1892-)
Jones, Vernon (19 JUL 1905-)
Jones, Virgie (2 DEC 1909-)
Jones, William Arthur (11 SEP 1887-6 AUG 1940)
Jordan, Aural Brown (26 MAY 1884-23 OCT 1959)
Jordan, Glenn Raymond (2 DEC 1895-18 AUG 1941)
Joseph, Hannah (ABT 1635-23 FEB 1678/79)
Joslin, William (ABT 1765-)
Jr., James Adair (1759-)
Jr., Joseph Adair (ABT 1740-ABT 1812)
Jr., Walter Dixon
Judd, Daniel (ABT 1780-)
Judd, Mary Ann (20 JUL 1807-)
Judson, Abigail (ABT 1755-)
Judson, Anne (ABT 1730-)
Judson, Daniel (ABT 1720-)
Judson, Ephraim (ABT 1700-)
Judson, Jeremiah (1621-15 MAY 1700)
Jue, You (1850-1920)
Justice, Reuben (ABT 1875-)
Karydis, Living
Kattawar, Hunter Hamilton
Kattawar, Jr., Jerry William
Kattawar, III, Jerry William
Kaufman, Catherine (ABT 1920-)
Kay, Adelaide "Ada" Fisher (17 APR 1859-23 JUN 1893)
Kay, Curtis (20 DEC 1879-DEC 1973)
Kay, Jonathan W. (ABT 1855-)
Kay, Toombs (16 OCT 1892-AUG 1980)
Kear, Living
Keeler, Martha Jane (23 DEC 1835-2 FEB 1920)
Keen, Sarah "Sally" (ABT 1825-)
Keith, Francis Pat (ABT 1860-)
Keller, Ceara Nichole Shere
Keller, Kenneth Paul
Keller, Ross Alexander
Kelley, John (ABT 1775-)
Kelloe, Martha Ann (ABT 1820-)
Kellogg, Samuel (ABT 1660-)
Kelly, Franklin Kenner (ABT 1830-)
Kemp, Frances Diana (ABT 1730-)
Kendrick, Marilyn Annette (ABT 1955-Private)
Kennedy, Living (ABT 1900-)
Kennicutt, Mary Jane (23 APR 1861-23 JUL 1940)
Kenyon, John W. (ABT 1870-)
Kerr, Augustus Washington (22 JAN 1866-)
Kerr, Estelle (25 NOV 1889-JUL 1981)
Kerr, Lilla (APR 1870-)
Kesterson, Mary Ann (22 AUG 1844-28 AUG 1922)
Ketner, James E. (APR 1880-)
Ketner, Nancy Malinda (25 JUN 1878-27 DEC 1929)
Keyes, Mary Ellen (ABT 1850-)
Kidd, Living
Kidwell, John (ABT 1780-)
Kile, Harve William (ABT 1900-)
Kilgore, Mayme (ABT 1886-)
Kilgore, Unknown (ABT 1790-)
Killin, John Ray (ABT 1850-)
Killion, Mr. (ABT 1890-)
Killum, Eula (20 JAN 1889-4 JUL 1916)
Killum, Moses (ABT 1820-)
Kimberly, Hannah (ABT 1700-)
Kimbrell, Zola Joanna (8 JUN 1876-5 MAR 1960)
Kimbrough, John (ABT 1787-6 SEP 1862)
Kimsey, Ora (ABT 1895-)
Kincannon, Mary J. (ABT 1840-)
Kinchin, Martha (ABT 1714-)
Kinchin, William (ABT 1680-)
King, Alonzo (15 JUL 1876-6 OCT 1975)
King, Amanda Loreta (11 JAN 1893-)
King, Bashie Ada (21 OCT 1892-1956)
King, Beatrice (24 SEP 1906-1 SEP 1979)
King, Ben (ABT 1827-)
King, Burton M. L. (1848-)
King, Charles (ABT 1930-)
King, Charles Mont (1867-)
King, Clyde Richardson (ABT 1915-)
King, Courtney (25 JUN 1904-1 NOV 1921)
King, D. B. (ABT 1860-)
King, Daniel Boone (21 JAN 1916-30 MAY 1988)
King, Elias (ABT 1825-)
King, Elisha J. (1845-)
King, Eliza (ABT 1831-)
King, Everett (9 JUN 1901-10 FEB 1951)
King, Everett Junious (14 MAR 1890-)
King, George (ABT 1824-)
King, George A. M. (1846-)
King, Isaac (ABT 1822-)
King, Isaac Andrew Jackson (13 NOV 1887-JUN 1967)
King, J. E. (ABT 1919-)
King, James Ancil Vison (2 APR 1883-29 JUL 1952)
King, James Lewis (27 SEP 1854-4 DEC 1924)
King, Joel (ABT 1818-)
King, Joel (ABT 1770-)
King, John (ABT 1800-)
King, John (1856-)
King, John Henry Cidon (4 MAY 1881-14 JUN 1967)
King, John James (ABT 1820-)
King, Josephus Wesley (16 JAN 1893-)
King, Kirtie Bell (30 MAR 1888-)
King, Lela (1860-)
King, Lester Alonzo (19 APR 1924-25 OCT 1958)
King, Living (ABT 1898-)
King, Living (ABT 1900-)
King, Living
King, Living
King, Living
King, Living
King, Lucille (8 JAN 1917-23 FEB 1988)
King, Lula (DEC 1877-)
King, M. L. (ABT 1895-)
King, Malisa (1852-)
King, Margaret (1836-)
King, Martha (ABT 1832-)
King, Mary (ABT 1830-)
King, Mary E. (1843-)
King, Mary Leotcy Jane (23 APR 1895-)
King, Mattie Elizabeth (29 MAY 1921-JAN 1945)
King, Minnie Viona (8 OCT 1900-2 SEP 1950)
King, Nancy (ABT 1834-)
King, Nancy L. V. (1849-)
King, Newton M. (1823-WFT Est 1847-1911)
King, S. E. (ABT 1882-)
King, Samuel Jessie Wilkins (18 FEB 1885-MAR 1966)
King, Sarah (ABT 1828-)
King, Virdia Artelia (7 MAR 1898-26 AUG 1948)
King, William C. (1891-)
King, William Mathew (14 APR 1890-13 JAN 1959)
King, William Sparrell (17 MAR 1909-30 NOV 1983)
Kingsley, Enos (ABT 1635-)
Kirby, Elizabeth (20 FEB 1680/81-)
Kirby, Living
Kirby, Living
Kirkland, Jr., Charles P. (ABT 1845-AUG 1884)
Kirkland, Edward (1 JUL 1872-7 NOV 1911)
Kirkpatrick, Janette (Jane) (1794-)
Kirkpatrick, Opal (ABT 1896-)
Kirkpatrick, Sallie E. (ABT 1860-)
Kirkpatrick, Samuel (ABT 1830-)
Kirksey, Christopher C. (ABT 1895-)
Kitchen, Mary Ann (21 MAY 1829-15 SEP 1913)
Kitchen, Sarah Caroline (21 JUL 1826-5 APR 1898)
Kline, Betty Lou
Kline, David Lee
Kline, Duane Lee (8 NOV 1959-15 NOV 1959)
Kline, Gary Lee
Kline, Lee (ABT 1920-)
Kline, Jr., Lee Irving
Knap, Abram (ABT 1737-)
Knight, Charles (ABT 1900-1993)
Knight, Elizabeth (1875-11 NOV 1912)
Knight, Nellie Leota (OCT 1894-MAY 1985)
Knox, Lois Pearl (25 AUG 1899-17 SEP 1976)
Koch, Mary Emma (21 MAR 1874-14 SEP 1931)
Kohn, Emma (ABT 1888-)
Kolb, Doris Elaine (16 MAR 1946-5 FEB 1975)
Kornegay, George (ABT 1710-)
Kornegay, Henry (ABT 1780-AFT 1835)
Kornegay, Jacob (ABT 1732-ABT 1796)
Kornegay, Kaye
Kornegay, Martha (5 JUL 1853-11 DEC 1928)
Kornegay, Penelope (ABT 1792-)
Kornegay, William (1735-)
Kornegay, Wyatt (ABT 1820-)
Koschke, Billy Eugene
Koschke, George Wesley
Koschke, Mary Ann
Kramer, Living
Kreitler, Harold W. (ABT 1902-)
Kreitler, Walter E. (11 NOV 1871-)
Kreitler, Walter E. Jr. (ABT 1900-)
Kreitler, [Dau] (ABT 1904-)
Kreitler, [Dau] (ABT 1903-)
Krueger, David
Krueger, Donald
Krueger, John
Kruse, Living
Kyte, Minnie (ABT 1898-)
Kyzer, John Rosamond
LaFever, Donna
LaFever, John
LaTourno, Katherine (ABT 1850-)
Laborie, Deborah (ABT 1770-)
Lacy, Edward (ABT 1680-)
Lacy, Living
Ladd, Jehosaphat (ABT 1750-)
Ladd, Rebecca (ABT 1610-BEF 1650)
Lafont, Living
Lake, Abiah (JAN 1769-)
Lake, David (ABT 1724-)
Lake, David (AUG 1766-)
Lake, Dolly (AUG 1771-)
Lake, Edward (ABT 1702-)
Lake, Edward (15 DEC 1705-)
Lake, Ferris (ABT 1810-)
Lake, Joseph T. (ABT 1808-)
Lake, Mary Josephine (JUN 1856-)
Lake, Nettie (ABT 1833-)
Lake, Thomas (ABT 1685-)
Lamb, Joe (ABT 1870-)
Lamb, John Marshall (7 AUG 1892-18 SEP 1935)
Lamb, Living (ABT 1905-)
Lambe, Debbie (21 OCT 1960-Private)
Lambert, Ed (ABT 1850-)
Lambert, Fred (ABT 1873-)
Lambert, John (ABT 1870-)
Lambert, Will (ABT 1871-)
Lambeth, Living
Lamerton, Elizabeth (ABT 1632-AFT 7 JUN 1716)
Lampton, Martha (ABT 1805-)
Lance, Mae Rebecca (27 AUG 1900-27 APR 1938)
Land, Brenda Kay
Land, Gregory Lee (16 AUG 1962-14 NOV 1962)
Land, J. (ABT 1920-)
Land, James Clayton
Land, Jason Thomas
Land, Joseph Dodd
Land, Lindville (ABT 1830-)
Landreth, Amberly Rose Marie
Landreth, Thomas
Landrum, Alice (4 MAR 1943-27 NOV 1987)
Landrum, Sarah D. (1792-1848)
Landsdell, William (ABT 1900-)
Lane, Claude
Lane, Sybil (ABT 1750-)
Lane, Theresa Mae
Laney, Lucy Darlene (21 AUG 1930-)
Langford, Brian
Langford, Brooke
Langston, Mary D. (ABT 1850-)
Lanning, Willa May (10 OCT 1912-10 JUL 1976)
Laplante, Alfred (ABT 1900-)
Large, Ashley R. (JUN 1891-)
Large, Charley A. (NOV 1881-)
Large, Dora B. (SEP 1885-)
Large, George (16 JAN 1856-11 JUL 1918)
Large, George E. (ABT 1879-)
Large, Ida L. (OCT 1886-)
Large, James (ABT 1849-)
Large, Jennie Cecil (28 JUL 1898-)
Large, Jermie M. (JAN 1897-)
Large, John (3 JUN 1830-22 NOV 1911)
Large, Living
Large, Living
Large, Lou (NOV 1891-)
Large, Louisa Caroline (27 APR 1855-13 OCT 1881)
Large, Margaret S. (ABT 1876-)
Large, Martha E. (17 FEB 1868-16 AUG 1925)
Large, Mary E. (OCT 1856-)
Large, Mary M. (ABT 1873-)
Large, Nancy (1851-)
Large, Nancy J. (ABT 1871-)
Large, Nettie V. (APR 1895-)
Large, Tilda (ABT 1875-)
Large, William C. (14 NOV 1857-)
Latham, Catharine (ABT 1795-)
Latham, Delia Dee (1864-1933)
Latham, James Edward (3 APR 1884-)
Latham, S. (ABT 1750-)
Lawrence, Lila Lee (ABT 1916-)
Laws, Sarah (ABT 1805-)
Lawson, Aperietis N. (10 FEB 1863-WFT Est 1861-1950)
Lawson, Ebrastus Eugene (3 MAR 1872-5 NOV 1916)
Lawson, Elias Morgan (24 JUL 1882-WFT Est 1913-1972)
Lawson, F. J. (ABT 1884-)
Lawson, Florence M. (9 FEB 1853-22 SEP 1888)
Lawson, Franklin H. (28 SEP 1857-28 OCT 1927)
Lawson, Gordon Brown (13 MAY 1864-WFT Est 1865-1954)
Lawson, James Albert (28 SEP 1843-12 DEC 1911)
Lawson, James H. (6 AUG 1810-AFT 1885)
Lawson, James Merritt (30 JUL 1876-12 JUN 1881)
Lawson, Jesse A. Elizabeth (11 MAR 1848-BEF 1870)
Lawson, John Jasper (1 DEC 1840-27 JAN 1858)
Lawson, Joyce Louise Seed (ABT 1920-)
Lawson, Living
Lawson, Living
Lawson, Mary Jane (31 DEC 1845-20 MAY 1883)
Lawson, Milledge E. (9 NOV 1850-3 APR 1883)
Lawson, Mollie Etta (15 SEP 1879-18 OCT 1949)
Lawson, Mr. (ABT 1870-)
Lawson, Nancy (1839-WFT Est 1839-1932)
Lawson, Rosier Dixon (5 JUL 1855-ABT 1871)
Lawson, Susan Lena (16 MAY 1874-9 NOV 1897)
LeFevre, Living
League, Louella (ABT 1855-)
Leavenworth, Abigail (ABT 1753-)
Leavenworth, Abijah (ABT 1759-)
Leavenworth, Annie (ABT 1756-)
Leavenworth, Edmund (1725-1785)
Leavenworth, Edmund (ABT 1752-)
Leavenworth, Eli (ABT 1761-)
Leavenworth, Gideon (1751-1816)
Leavenworth, Nancy (ABT 1775-)
Leavenworth, Rachel (ABT 1762-)
Leavenworth, Ruth (ABT 1758-)
Leavenworth, Sally (ABT 1763-)
Leavenworth, Thomas (ABT 1670-)
Ledford, Dollie Ann (1 JAN 1880-1945)
Ledford, Minnie Arvell (2 DEC 1883-15 SEP 1952)
Lee, Charles Henry (WFT Est 1873-1900-WFT Est 1923-1987)
Lee, Daniel
Lee, David
Lee, David (ABT 1860-19 MAY 1941)
Lee, Derick Ray (1990-1996)
Lee, Ellen
Lee, Jimmie Dale
Lee, Kindall
Lee, Laura
Lee, Living
Lee, Living
Lee, Richard
Lee, Sarah (ABT 1890-)



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